Course Participant Testimonials


Harnsle Joo

Producer, Afternoons with Deborah Knight, Radio 2GB:
Sydney | 22 December 2022

I came across Deb Doyle while looking for a grammar and punctuation expert to discuss declining NAPLAN results. On her website, she clearly showed not only her expertise but her genuine passion for the subject. She brought so much enthusiasm and energy to the segment, but the best thing about Deb is her ability to clearly explain things to listeners and the host. She’s always quick on her feet but always thorough with her answers. Needless to say, she’s become our go-to expert on all things English. Deb is always a delight to work with on the show, and our listeners really value her time. Our program always receives great listener engagement.

The photo on this page is of Deb Doyle and Deb Knight in the 2GB studio during the ‘pronunciation’ segment we broadcast on Wednesday, 15 February 2023.    

David Gallagher

Listener, Afternoons with Deborah Knight, Radio 2GB:
Sydney | 5 December 2022

Good work today! I’m 49 years old, and I’ve felt robbed by the education system, not having formally been taught phonics, language processes etc. I’ve done okay in life, being an academic, but I’ve always been aware of how the New South Wales education system let me down. I wish you well going forward; let’s raise our educational standards! David

Grant Noble

President, Australian Society for Technical Communication:
Sydney | 29 December 2022

Deb Doyle presented at our ASTC National Conference in October 2022. Her topic, ‘Two Big Gremlins: Personification and the Comma Splice’, was a hit with the conference attendees. Deb’s presentation was very interactive and generated a lot of participation with the audience. If she’s interested, we’ll definitely be inviting Deb to speak again at our conference in 2023.

Dave Newdick

Owner and Principal Consultant, Integrated Training and Documentation Pty Ltd:
Karana Downs, Queensland | 29 December 2022

I first heard Deb Doyle speak at the 2022 ASTC Annual Conference in Melbourne. Her presentation was engaging, and she kept the interest of new and experienced technical communicators in the room. Thanks to her enthusiasm and engagement techniques, she made sure that her presentation was a lasting topic of discussion during breaks. Like many at the conference, I am an experienced writer, but Deb was able to show us poor or wrong practices, show us how to fix them, and easily answer some difficult questions.

I heard Deb speak on a radio interview a few weeks after the conference. Her passion and knowledge were still strong. Once again, she could easily answer questions and provide good examples to help explain her response.

When I need help or support with grammar and punctuation, Deb Doyle will be the first person I ask. 

Course-participant testimonials

Grammar and Punctuation for Grown-ups: The Basics | Saturday, 9 September 2023
Inner West Council

After the course, Meredith Lucy e-mailed Deb as follows:

Thank you for a great day of refreshing and learning about punctuation. I didn’t expect to learn so much, or to enjoy what could have been so dry.

This evening, after the session, I had dinner with my dear old friend Mark D. I told him about the day, and he was able to reminisce about you . . . and Dingo Girl!

What a fine background for your teaching, I realise. Wonderful how flexible creatives evolve and adapt their experiences. I look at the course content, the presentation, the use of songs and, especially, the fun certificate, with improved understanding. Lovely work!

As I write this, I have new self-consciousness re punctuation. I do intend to revise the notes and practise what you covered.

My best wishes for your projects, and I hope to see you again.  

Grammar and Punctuation: The Basics | Thursday, 20 July 2023
A New South Wales Government agency

‘Julia’ completed Deb’s generic evaluation sheet as follows:

[Course rating:] The content was well structured, interesting, challenging and appropriate.

[Presenter rating:] The course leader used appropriate teaching methods, was well prepared, made good use of teaching aids, had good knowledge of the subject, provided useful course notes and exercises, provided good examples, and was enthusiastic in her presentation.

[Relevance of skills learnt:] The skills I learnt are relevant to my job at present, and I’ll use them to help myself in my future work.

[The course’s weaknesses:] I struggled a little with the pace, seeing as Deb was cramming 13 years of school into eight hours. Because of our agency’s limited budget, we couldn’t make it a two-day course with customised feedback. We don’t often get a computer- and interruption-free day for deep focus and learning.

[The course’s strengths:] Deb’s depth of knowledge and ability to fire back an answer to every single question, with the finesse of Rafael Nadal. I appreciate that Deb balanced getting through the well-curated material and giving space for learners to ask questions to cement concepts.

[Desirability of more training in grammar, writing, editing and/or proofreading:] I don’t know what I don’t know. I would learn a lot in any course with Deb. A course in turning complex legal documents into easy-to-read content would be a game changer. I would like everyone at our agency to do a course with Deb, budget permitting. Outside of work, I would love to do a travel-writing course with Deb.

[Level of training required:] Intermediate and advanced. 

‘Sarah’ completed Deb’s generic evaluation sheet as follows:

[Course rating:] The content was well structured, interesting, challenging and appropriate.

[Presenter rating:] The course leader used appropriate teaching methods, was well prepared, made good use of teaching aids, had good knowledge of the subject, provided useful course notes and exercises, provided good examples, and was enthusiastic in her presentation.

[Relevance of skills learnt:] The skills I learnt are relevant to my job at present, and I’ll use them to help myself in my future work.

[The course’s weaknesses:] Timing — but not really a weakness. A bit rushed because we were covering so much. Could’ve spent longer on some things.

[The course’s strengths:] Great examples. Loved the use of song lyrics! Detailed information. Covered many ‘tricky’ bits.

[Desirability of more training in grammar, writing, editing and/or proofreading:] No, for now!

Perfect Punctuation | Saturday, 23 and 30 October 2021 (10 a.m. to 1 p.m., via Zoom)
WEA Sydney

Stephanie Staudinger 

Deb, I thoroughly enjoyed your Perfect Punctuation course. You’re a fantastic teacher and extremely knowledgeable in this domain.

You provided great explanations and examples throughout the course and for all the questions the class asked. The course notes you supplied are extremely valuable and without a doubt something I’ll be referring to for a lifetime.

I’ve never felt more confident in my life with using punctuation, in particular colons and semi-colons. Thank you!

I quite liked that the course was spread across two Saturdays instead of one full day. We had time to let it all sink in and come prepared with any questions for the next class.

I’m very keen to enrol in your other two WEA Sydney courses: The Parts of Speech, and All Your Sentences Sorted. 

Glenda Stankovic 

What were the course’s weaknesses? For me personally, there were no weaknesses. Being presented via Zoom meant the course was actually more accessible for me physically, because I live on the northern beaches, and getting to the city at night-time or even on a Saturday would have been inconvenient. I have mobility issues too, so those other issues are compounded. Other institutions, closer to home, do not run similar courses and definitely do not have course leaders of Deb Doyle’s qualifications and experience.

What were the course’s strengths?  Deb Doyle! The course was accessible and interesting as well as relevant because of her obvious technical knowledge and skill in presentation.

Grammar and Punctuation Essentials | Australian Writers’ Centre | Wednesday, 4 July 2018


Hi, Deb.

Thanks for yesterday! It was lovely to meet you. You truly are a marvellous teacher; so thorough, knowledgeable, and patient. I hope to keep in contact and expect the majority of your students feel the same . . .


PS I copied in my work email. I welcome any future course updates.


Hi, Deb.

Thanks for yesterday. I got a lot out of your Grammar and Punctuation Essentials class. I have found myself editing my emails today, and within this, shortening my sentences (among other things).

Thank you for also sending your teaching schedule through. I actually did your Editing Essentials class quite some time ago through AWC, which is why I wanted to do yesterday’s course with you. In reality, I should have done them the other way round.

I appreciate you advising that you do one-on-one tuition as well as group work. I found this helpful to know and I will certainly keep this in mind for future reference.

Kind regards,


Hi, Deb.

Thanks so much for your email; this info is great to have. I learned so much yesterday and really enjoyed the course at the same time. You clearly have a wealth of experience and expertise in writing.

Great to see you offer one-on-one tuition too.

I look forward to the next short course I do with you.

Kind regards,

The Nine Parts of Speech | WEA Sydney | Saturday, 10 February 2018

Janice, 56–65: [Course rating:] Excellent. [Course evaluation:] I found the course to be excellent. Deb was engaging, very thorough and a wonderful communicator. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who was interested.

Female; 56–65: [Course rating:] Excellent. [Course evaluation:] I really enjoyed learning about the tools of language. I gained a practical understanding of how I can improve my sentence structure, assist readers to visualise the actions and the need to transition to a more active voice.

The knowledge I have gained has been put into practice and reflected in my reports, issues paper and a briefing note.

Deb’s passion, her step-by-step approach and the colourful materials have resulted in my feeling more confident about writing well, efficiently and clearly. I highly recommend this course. [What next?] Construction of English: Phrases, Clauses, Sentences and Paragraphs.

Female, 36–45: [Course rating:] Excellent. [Course evaluation:] I learnt so much; she’s amazing! I’ll definitely continue her different classes. [What next?] Debbie’s next course!

Male; 46–55: [Course rating:] Excellent. [Course evaluation:] The presenter – Deb – was fantastic. She was upfront and honest, and knew her materials. It was lovely to see English being used in real-world scenarios rather than just in a detached classroom situation.

Construction of English: Phrases, Clauses, Sentences and Paragraphs WEA Sydney | Saturday, 17 March 2017

Amra, female, 46–55: [Course rating:] Good. [Course evaluation:] Excellent course program; very knowledgeable and absolutely wonderful educator. [What next?] Perfect Punctuation.

Client testimonials

Peter Smith

Author, Toorallie: An honest Aussie’s battle with the system:
Canberra | 15 December 2020

I’d like to thank professional editor Deb Doyle for helping me present my often complex content as clearly as possible, researching many names and facts, and maintaining my voice in order to make my cautionary Australian tale resonate with my readers.

Mark Mann

Author, A Story Untold:
Sydney | 1 December 2020

Deb took ‘the writings according to Mark’ and turned them into what I wanted to say. She helped me convey how I wanted to be perceived and understood. 

One of her major tasks was to fictionalise the names of 99 per cent of the people, places and organisations I’d written about but not named, and to list them in a three-page dramatis personae.

During the editing phase, Deb gave me numerous invaluable lessons in structure, grammar and expression. Knowing that some readers would perceive the content of A Story Untold as unbelievable, Deb turned the series of outrageous situational facts into a refined expression of my truth and elevated the shocking events I experienced to a work of non-fiction I could be proud of.

Sarah Jessup

Sales and Education Program Manager, Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), The University of Sydney
Newtown, New South Wales | 11 January 2019

To whom it may concern

I am writing to confirm that Deb Doyle has been employed as a casual academic with the CCE since 2010, teaching the one-day Grammar and Punctuation Fundamentals, the two-day Grammar and Punctuation Advanced, and various aspects of publication editing.

In 2021, Deb is scheduled to teach A Course in Grammar and Punctuation Fundamentals, A Course in Advanced Grammar and Editing, A Course in Writing Effective Paragraphs and A Course in Creating Editorial Style Guides.

Deb is a valued member of staff and is popular with students.

Please feel free to phone me on (02) 8627 6700 if you have any questions about Deb and the teaching she does with our institution.

Valerie Khoo

National Director, Australian Writers’ Centre
Milsons Point, New South Wales | 5 March 2018

To whom it may concern

This is to advise that Deb Doyle has been a tutor with the Australian Writers’ Centre since 2005, presenting two very successful one-day courses: Grammar and Punctuation Essentials, and Editing Essentials.

Deb’s courses with the Australian Writers’ Centre have always been extremely popular, well attended and well received. The student feedback is always excellent, and she is one of our most valued presenters.

I am very happy to furnish this reference for Deb, and if you need any more information, please don’t hesitate to phone me on (02) 9929 0088.

Thank-you card, Christmas 2018

Dear Deb,

Thank you for such an amazing year and for all your hard work.

We love you and we love working with you, Deb.

Love from the AWC team

Murray Jewell

President, WEA Sydney
Sydney, New South Wales | 16 September 2016

Certificate of appreciation

Deb Doyle

Deb Doyle has served Workers’ Educational Association Sydney as a highly respected and gifted tutor in editorial training for more than 10 years.

The Board and Council of WEA Sydney are most appreciative of your outstanding contribution to the work of the association, and on behalf of the many hundreds of students you have inspired, we are pleased to mark the occasion with our special thanks.

Margot Krekeler-Obertopp

Author, Fabric Painting series of handbooks
Coogee, New South Wales | 3 March 2017

Hi, Deb. This is one of the proofreading copies I ordered of the print version, and I am so proud to hold it in my hands! ☺

OK, there are a few things I will change/improve, but generally I’m very happy with it.

This is your copy – I say thank you very much for your support and help.


Melanie Jane Ellaway

Author, ‘Once upon a Time’. Narcissistic Abuse: The Raw Truth
Newcastle, New South Wales | 7 February 2016

When I came to have the privilege of collaborating with Deb, I’d been taken advantage of by not one but two ‘professional editors’. I’d been completely naïve about the purpose and value of paying a genuine editor to bring my unique, long, incomplete and unstructured manuscript up to scratch.

‘Once upon a Time’. Narcissistic Abuse: The Raw Truth is my first book and is undoubtedly the biggest and most important project of my life. Before I met Deb, I honestly thought I’d never see my manuscript finished and that all my efforts would be in vain. I found that Deb’s editorial input, encouragement and advice were invaluable in my accomplishment of such a high standard for my paperback and e-book.

Mine was a very difficult and complex personal story to tell. I had many ups and downs throughout the processes of writing, research, development, editing, proofreading, design and printing, and I found everything so much easier because I had Deb on my side – she was one of the few people who truly ‘got it’.

To put it simply, the author–editor relationship that soon developed between us was a godsend and was crucial in my ultimate success as a self-publisher.

Miki Simmonds

Author, Mod Journey: An Unconventional Life
Pyrmont, New South Wales | 17 September 2015

I’d next like to thank my editor Deb Doyle for writing the synopsis for the book and then helping me bring the best-possible manuscript to print standard. Deb and I worked well as a team to keep my authentic voice intact while balancing it with the demands of readability and flow.

Stephanie Smith

Author, From Bark Hut to Bombo: The Story of My Parents Cecil and Valdris (née Woldseth) McGlashan
Huntly, Victoria | 29 January 2014

Letter of appreciation

I wish to place on public record my appreciation of the excellent work done by Deb Doyle as editor of my recently published book From Bark Hut to Bombo.

Deb was very thorough with sentence construction and punctuation as well as with ensuring that nomenclature and cross-referencing were correct. Her attention to detail in the text and her suggestions as to the format of the book and the accompanying CD were excellent.

I thoroughly recommend her services to anyone wanting a first-class editing job.

Tracy-lee Adams

Graphic and Web design:
Queensland | 2 April 2012

I’ve had the pleasure of working on multiple projects with Deb since 2009. Deb’s instructions for me to correct authors’ text either in a Word file or on a proof laid out in InDesign are always clear and concise. She thinks out all her suggestions carefully, and at all stages, I’ve found her professionalism and level of expertise extremely helpful.

Because we combine our knowledge and expertise, Deb’s clients find the entire production process easier, and each project is ultimately tighter and to the highest standard.

I wholeheartedly recommend Deb Doyle as being a first-class editor, and I look forward to continuing our working relationship.

Rob Clarke

Author, Infinite Talent, Infinite Verse and Learning & Technology Impact Awards 2012 brochure
Sydney, New South Wales | 2 April 2012

It takes talent to edit manuscripts that start out as raw material, by improving them over time, in collaboration with the author, so the final published work is of as good quality as possible, and Deb Doyle is highly talented.

Brian Bloom

Author, The Last Finesse and Beyond Neanderthal
Tea Gardens, New South Wales | 1 September 2011

In 2011, Deb Doyle edited my novel The Last Finesse, which is a companion book to my first novel, Beyond Neanderthal. She has a refreshingly unique approach to editing, and although she has firm ideas of her own, she keeps her mind open to change in order to keep her thought processes highly adaptable.

For me, this willingness to be adaptable was an exceptional quality in an editor. As I see it, the editor’s role is to sublimate his or her own ego and work with the author to communicate the author’s ideas, in the most effective way, from the reader’s point of view.

In attempting to achieve this outcome for my work, Deb ensured that working with her was an absolute pleasure. Thank you, Deb.

Jen Kirkaldy

Former Manager, Corporate Communications, Mission Australia
Sydney, New South Wales | 29 August 2006

Deb Doyle’s editing skills are second to none. She has a professional attitude and is flexible to the clients’ needs, no matter how unreasonable they may be. She transformed Mission Australia’s ‘10-year anniversary’ commemorative booklet, which had been written by a number of people, into a coherent piece of writing with a consistent tone and voice.

Deb has an exceptional knowledge of grammar, editing and the book-publishing industry, which inspires confidence that the finished work will be a professional publication ready for printing once she has finished with it.

Lois Pembroke

Author (L. E. Pembroke), Children of the Anzacs: Life in Sydney in the 1940s and ’50s
Sydney, New South Wales | 23 August 2006

Deb Doyle has been editing my book, Children of the Anzacs, for the past few months. I am humbled by her knowledge of grammar and punctuation, and delighted with her meticulous approach to this work. I am especially grateful to her for, more than once, politely pointing out errors in some of my statements.

Nicholas Pike

Private-tuition student
Sydney, New South Wales | January 2019

I was looking to improve my grammar and punctuation skills, because I had changed careers. Deb was a breath of fresh air, providing professional instructions and polishing my business writing.

By helping me understand how to construct clear sentences, she’s given me confidence in both my writing and my editing techniques.

Thank you, Deb – you’re a great addition to my network.

Kirsty Simmonds

Business writer in the Public Affairs team, Mission Australia
Sydney, New South Wales | 6 September 2006

I wanted to learn how to prepare business materials that are as relevant, well structured and well written as possible. In the past, this has been a challenge for me. Deb gave me some easy planning models to work with, enhanced by lessons in editing and a quick revision of the finer points of grammar. I found the sessions really useful and, most importantly, I notice significant improvements in my work.

Mark Hanson

Real-estate valuer
Sydney, New South Wales | 6 September 2006

I was able to find Deb Doyle through some Web browsing, when I was searching for an editor to assist me in both correcting and getting across what I wanted to say in some of my reports.

I hadn’t used an editor before, so I was pretty amazed at the knowledge that Deb had of English grammar and punctuation, and at how some of the simple things she advised me to do has made a difference to my work. In addition, Deb has given me some private coaching to improve my business-writing skills in relation to my valuation reports.

Her grammar text, Grey Areas and Gremlins, has been a terrific book to work through as a refresher for my writing skills and as a continuing reference.

Deb has a professional style and manner, and is thoroughly organised, so I’m comfortable in easily recommending her services to other people.