Our Courses

Course notes: five separate sets

‘Grammar and Punctuation: The basics’

‘The Parts of Speech: Nouns, verbs and the other seven’

‘All Your Sentences Sorted: Simple, compound and complex’

‘Perfect Punctuation: Commas, colons and co.’

‘Writing Effective Paragraphs: What you need to know’


Printed version secured in a plastic wallet: $45 plus $15 shipping within Australia; total $60

PDF version: $35

Please visit the website shop or e-mail me at deb@debdoyle.com.au.

Group courses

I can:

  • work with you and a group of your colleagues at your workplace or an external venue or remotely via Zoom
  • use my own generic content and/or your own problematic sentences, paragraphs or documents as course notes
  • create and help you maintain a customised editorial stylesheet, which is an A-to-Z list of the commonly recurring and unusual words and expressions that are specific to your enterprise.

One-on-one tuition

We can:

  • work in person at my home, your home or your workplace or remotely via Zoom
  • use the Grey Areas and Gremlins text-workbook and accompanying colour-coded handouts
  • discuss and edit double-spaced printouts of your own problematic sentences, paragraphs or documents if preferred
  • create and help you maintain a personal editorial stylesheet.

$90 per hour for tuition

$80 per hour for editorial input

For enquiries, e-mail deb@debdoyle.com.au or phone 0401 028 926.


Public courses in 2024

To enquire about any of these courses, please contact the provider directly.


Tuesday, 27 February, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [Face to face; delivered]
A Course in Grammar and Punctuation Fundamentals (GAPF-85)
Room 201, The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Sydney University, 160 Missenden Road, Newtown 2042; cce.sydney.edu.au

Saturday, 2 March, 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. [Face to face; delivered]
The Nine Parts of Speech | Inner West Libraries Program
The Michael Maher Room, Haberfield Library, 78 Dalhousie Road, Haberfield 2045; innerwest.nsw,gov.au

Saturday, 6 April, 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. [Face to face]
All Your Sentences Sorted | Inner West Libraries Program
The Michael Maher Room, Haberfield Library, 78 Dalhousie Road, Haberfield 2045; innerwest.nsw,gov.au

Wednesday, 1 May, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [Face to face]
A Course in Grammar and Punctuation Fundamentals (GAPF-86)
Room 201, The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Sydney University, 160 Missenden Road, Newtown 2042; cce.sydney.edu.au

Saturday, 11 May, 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. [Face to face]
Perfect Punctuation | Inner West Libraries Program
The Michael Maher Room, Haberfield Library, 78 Dalhousie Road, Haberfield 2045; innerwest.nsw,gov.au

Thursday, 6 June, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [Face to face]
A Course in Advanced Grammar and Editing (GAED-19)
Room 201, The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Sydney University, 160 Missenden Road, Newtown 2042; cce.sydney.edu.au

Monday, 26 August, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [Face to face]
A Course in Grammar and Punctuation Fundamentals (GAPF-87)
Room 201, The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Sydney University, 160 Missenden Road, Newtown 2042; cce.sydney.edu.au

Tuesday, 12 November, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [Face to face]
A Course in Grammar and Punctuation Fundamentals (GAPF-88)
Room 201, The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Sydney University, 160 Missenden Road, Newtown 2042; cce.sydney.edu.au

Thursday, 28 November, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [Face to face]
A Course in Advanced Grammar and Editing (GAED-20)
Room 201, The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Sydney University, 160 Missenden Road, Newtown 2042; cce.sydney.edu.au